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The best of the good old ‘net this week, because there’s no such thing as too much beauty or too much reading. It's time to grab some power snacks and click away…

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Gwyneth Paltrow through the ages. A quintessential queen and forever our girl crush/woman-to-be.

On surviving #NYFW: essentials of the associate editor. Also a fantastic list of must-haves for the everyday, on-the-go girl.

Feeling the blues, or just got a sour spirit? Gala Darling is our go-to for pick-me-ups and how-to’s on self-love.

Get even. On serums and their significance in your skincare regimen.

Tone it up! There’s nothing like a fall challenge to get us off the couch (and out of our post-summer blues) than a good workout – how’s #100byHalloween sound?

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