
Superbowl Sunday Skin Care

Superbowl Sunday Skincare

Whether you’re a football fanatic or get (begrudgingly) roped into watching athletic things you have zero interest in, we’re proposing a solution that will make both sports fans and non-participants enjoy the Superbowl that much more. You have your jersey. Your seven-layer dip. Your favorite beer. Let’s add a little self-care to the mix and you have your Superbowl Sunday skin care so that no matter the outcome (especially if you’re someone who cares), you’ll be glowing. Defeated, maybe, but glowing.

Here’s how to get your game day ritual going:

The Ultimate Pregame

Between sneaking bites of chips and dip or sips of beer, take your typical pregame to the next level so that you arrive to the bar/living room with your game face on. Literally.
  1. Start with Botanical Exfoliating Scrub to get everything looking shiny and new. The key is to gently massage the exfoliant in circular motions for at least 30 seconds to allow those finely ground Ecuadorian Ivory Palm Seeds to polish your skin until it’s soft and smooth.
  2. Once you’ve rid your skin of all that unwanted gunk and grime, it’s time to purify. Exfoliating helps loosen up pore-clogging sebum so that your clay-based masks can work more effectively at lifting impurities from your skin. You could just apply your favorite mask, but we suggest multi-masking. Apply Silver Powder on your T-zone to help minimize the look of stubborn blackheads (here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use Silver Powder), and apply your go-to radiance-boosting mask everywhere else. (We recommend using Enzyme Revitalizing Mask for that instant-gratification glow.)
  3. We know you’re eager to get back to pregame duties, so we’re giving you the green light to cut the waiting time short. Leave on your mask for about 10 minutes, remove it with warm water, and follow with toner and your go-to moisturizer.
  4. Stash a few facial sprays in your cooler or fridge (or if you’re going out, take one to go). Trust us on this one.


1st Quarter

Things are going fairly well. Spirits are high: it’s still early in the game, every call is exhilarating, and there are plenty of apps and beer to go around. Spritz your skin with rosewater Facial Spray to keep the glow going. (It’ll look great in selfies.)


2nd Quarter

There are now more chips than there is dip available—and the game is starting to get serious. Are your lips dry from all the shouting (or awkward smiling from pretending you know what’s going on)? Take a sip of water (stay hydrated), apply Cellufirm Drops around your mouth to replenish those dry corners, and smack on some Lip Wax. Continue, as you do.



Screw the commercials. Use this time to de-stress your skin because there’s still a ways to go and you’re too worked up. Liberally mist your complexion with our Lavender Facial Spray, then apply a thin, even layer of Azulene Calming Mask to get your skin feeling zen.

But, if watching the Superbowl ads is a long-standing tradition you simply cannot miss, just reach for Facial Spray with Aloe, Chamomile and Lavender. On top of re-balancing skin and soothing your complexion, it’ll have been chilled from being stored in the cooler—offering your skin this cooling, calming mist that’ll help take your mind off of the score.


3rd Quarter

You’re ready and refreshed for the second half of the game. Remember this moment, because it’s not going to last for long.


4th Quarter

Stakes are high. Tension is so thick you could cut it with a knife. Pass around the Lavender Facial Spray, or just mist the general area whenever the room needs a collective cool-down during the last few minutes. And just in case the game rolls into overtime…



Keep Lavender Facial Spray on tap, and if you’re up for it, utilize these crucial few minutes to better your skin and keep yourself occupied. A few ideas:

  • Apply hand cream to prevent flailing your arms about in excitement/despair and inevitably (a) hitting someone square in the face or (b) knocking over a drink or propelling a plate of half-eaten wings onto the carpet. Fight the urge by really working in the hand cream. Give your hands a massage while you’re at it. You’re welcome. Plus, your hands will be ready for all the post-game, good-spirited handshakes. You might be able to fake good sportsmanship, but you can’t fake well cared-for hands.
  • Are you notorious for not having the greatest sportsmanship post-game where, instead of making your rounds of hugs and handshakes, prefer to skulk off and wallow? No worries, no judgment here. Reach for Cuticle Cream—a thick, goopy cream that makes for sticky fingers but very happy cuticles—to occupy nervous hands throughout overtime and give you a real excuse not to participate in the post-game kumbaya.

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