Says who? Let’s not get into the logistics (if any) behind this so-called “rule;” there’s no need unless you’re really, genuinely curious. Besides, we don’t really care for the rules too much. Case in point: we don’t believe in using rough, grainy exfoliants for acne skin. It just shouldn’t be done, given that it’ll only further irritate already sensitive skin (think gentle!). That, however, is a story blog post for another day…

Back to whites. In the interest of full disclosure, we’re actually big fans. All year long. Call us rebellious, but no rule is going to stop us from reaching for our jar of Whitening Mask – it’s just too good to keep shelved in hibernation for half a year!


So what is it, you ask? It’s a hydrating mask that helps reduce discoloration, sunspots and old acne scarring. A blend of Kojic Acid, Mulberry extract and Licorice brighten a dull complexion while Grape extract reduces any redness and irritation. It’s an anti-inflammatory, lightening at-home “treatment,” if you will.

Just 10 minutes, 2-3 times a week. It’d be harebrained on our part if we thought about leaving it for some silly rule…

. . .

What other rules don’t you follow? Let us know in the comments below!

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